Hello, my name is Corta. I created and started this blog as a way to share the many frustrations and fun stories about my former spouse and our co-parenting experiences. I know there are millions and millions of divorced people out there raising children that are frustrated and annoyed with their former spouse. Somehow there is humor hidden beneath all this silliness somewhere. Come once, come daily, read and laugh, share your stories with the rest of us...most importantly find some humor in the deeply frustrating experiences that drive us all nuts.
You might likely ask why the blog is called "Babysitter Chronicles". It all started when I became very frustrated with my ex-wife and her lack of parental common sense. From time to time it was necessary to vent about the many issues that surfaced and with kids around a lot it is not appropriate to make reference to her. Therefore the first name that came to mind that captured her parenting skills was "babysitter". In fact, babysitter was too kind and I realized that even babysitters made dinner for the kids and paid attention to them. But, since I couldn't think of anything better at the time, I stuck with babysitter. After that day I began to entertain my friends with my frustrations and the subject of the emails was "Babysitter Chronicles". And, the Babysitter Chronicles was born... I felt so much better taking a humorous approach to all of silly and ridiculous behaviors that I felt compelled to create a platform to entertain and help others. So, enjoy!